Thursday, September 15, 2005

No-one’s ancestor

Carey Roberts, in her article about Ellen Sauerbrey’s UN speech, ‘Freeing Women from Exploitation and Despair’
(, asks:

“What moral code says we should deplore the rape of women and ignore the killings of men?”

The answer: ‘Nature, evolution and, as a result, most human instincts’.

Reproductive reality dictates that a community that loses most of its men can quickly re-generate. Sperm is plentiful. A community that loses most of its reproductive women is not so robust. Evolution and nature combine against it. The people who valued men’s lives as equal to or greater than women’s are nobodies ancestors.

Every moral code that survives states that we should deplore the rape of women and, in times of crisis, overlook the killings of men. To feel or think otherwise is to be committed to your own genetic extinction. The bear stalking the room, the point Roberts has missed, the fatal error in western social philosophy, is that of gender equality. Unfortunately it didn’t work, it doesn’t work, it won’t work, it can’t work. Not in this universe.

Women's bodies are more valuable to a community than men's. Unless and until we have cheap and reliable artificial wombs this is an unavoidable fact. The consequences of it are everywhere you look; in the military, religion, medicine, law and commerce; indeed in almost every facet of human existence.

Gender equality is a fiction. A false icon. It must be recognised and rooted out before its consequences become irreversible. But, first, the people who promote it need to be confronted and exposed as modern day sirens, drawing western society to the rocks of genetic extinction.

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